Social Impact Navigator

Doing good – achie­ving the best! The Social Impact Navi­ga­tor can help!

With 40,000 Ger­man-lan­guage copies in cir­cu­la­ti­on, PHI­NEO’s non-pro­fit gui­de to impact ori­en­ta­ti­on is now available in Eng­lish! We proud­ly pre­sent: Social Impact Navi­ga­tor – the prac­ti­cal gui­de for orga­niza­ti­ons tar­ge­ting bet­ter results.”

Based on PHI­NEO’s exper­ti­se as a think tank and non-pro­fit con­sul­tancy, the gui­de helps non-pro­fits sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly inte­gra­te impact ori­en­ta­ti­on into their dai­ly work. It offers useful tools, tips and prac­ti­cal examp­les, and draws on the know-how deri­ved from more than 3,000 civil socie­ty organizations.

The Social Impact Navi­ga­tor is published with the sup­port of the Ber­tels­mann Stif­tung and the Glo­bal Part­ner­ship for Social Accountability.

Your first choice to social impact knowledge

Down­load eBook

Pass on the link, spread the word to your cli­ents and help us inspi­re other non-pro­fits to adopt impact ori­en­ta­ti­on prac­ti­ces! We thank you in advan­ce for your support.

Note: Social Impact Navi­ga­tor ist also available in Ger­man („Kurs­buch Wir­kung”) and other Lan­guages. And if you can read the ger­man lan­guage, you can also use our Wir­ko­me­ter.

How can I help you?

Bettina Kurz

Beratung & Organisationsentwicklung
+49 30 520 065 311